Make friends with Coffee Chats

Register for our upcoming Coffee Chats
Don't underestimate how powerful 20 minutes of chatting can be, for both your emotional well-being and your professional development. Our first virtual Coffee Chat will be held May 18th at 3-4pm EDT.
Coffee Chats are cultural gatherings for game developers-- any professional who has a hand in building games and the communities that support games are welcome to this time-honored tradition. Often structured with several smaller groups, Coffee Chats provided much needed social networking in the games industry.
Just as the game industry has moved remotely, so have the industry's Coffee Chats. TheXPlace is excited to be hosting our very own virtual Coffee Chats. you can now network cross disciplines, across the globe!
Our structured Coffee Chats are 15-minute sessions in breakout rooms with 2-5-minute breaks before and after. If you are not able to stay the entire hour, we encourage you to pop in when you can. Feel free to come and go as you need.
To attend our first ever Coffee Chat, you need to register on our events page. If you have already completed your Basic Profile ("You, in a nutshell," and ID verification), you will be able to register immediately. New to TheXPlace? Join TheXPlace using the VIP code chats2023 to get access faster.
Don’t miss our next professional development talk with Ishai Shamir and Aron Sogor!. Take a peek at our full list of events.
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