Welcome to Coffee Chats on TheXPlace!

Coffee Chats on TheXPlace are an opportunity to connect across disciplines and across time zones! Coffee Chats are informal, friendly spaces for professionals to share about their work and experiences.
All participants will start together in the “lobby”. There will be three rounds of conversation, where participants will be randomly assigned to breakout groups. Breakout sessions will last approximately 15 minutes. You will get a 60 second warning at the end of each session so you can wrap up the conversation. There will be 2-3 minutes between sessions, giving you time to grab a drink or answer nature’s call.

Some suggestions to make the most of your Coffee Chat:
- Be mindful of your microphone - stay muted if there is a lot of noise around you and un-mute when you are ready to share
- This is a low-key gathering with no pressure to be there the whole time - come when you can and leave when you need to!
- Feel free to share your name, the link to your TheXPlace profile, your Twitter handle, your pronouns, and anything else you’d like others in the chat to know
- The chat feature is available to directly communicate with others in your breakout room
Want to stay connected after the Coffee Chat? Check out our Linktree for all of our socials (including Discord)